Why is date night important in a relationship?

Why is Date Night important in a FIFO Relationship?

Keeping date night alive is essential to maintaining a strong, healthy and loving relationship. I feel date nights are essential to all types of relationships, couples who have been together for a long time and couples with children. However, after a decade of being a FIFO wife and working with many FIFO couples, it is essential for couples who are separated by work to make time for their relationship. Why? Because we don’t have face-to-face interactions with our partners to stay connected daily. We all want and need to keep our love tanks full, or better yet, have them overflowing, so that our time apart is more bearable.

Many couples come to me because they have found themselves falling out of love and falling into dangerous territory. However, in my 27-plus years of marriage and professional career working with couples, it’s not as easy to fall out of love when you spend quality time together. Date night keeps a relationship fun and joyous, providing a healthy balance with difficult times. Date night is a proactive way to continually create feel-good moments that help to keep a healthy solid connection.

It also stops you from using your R&R (together) time trying to reconnect but instead allows your relationship to flow, keeping your love tanks full. Dates night gives you new things to talk about when apart, keeping the lines of communication alive. And we all know how important communication is in a FIFO relationship.

Date Night Brings Back the Spark and keeps the Fire burning while apart!

For me, date night would take me into another world and remind me that I am a wife and not just a FIFO wife or mum of 3 trying her hardest to keep our household running smoothly. Date night ignites the sparkle in my eyes and in my heart. It gives me something to look forward to every R&R.

It makes the countdown exciting and helps me remember those beautiful feelings of our courtship days.

We often forget that a relationship needs to be nourished, and keeping all those feelings of love alive is an opportunity and the responsibility of both of you. You can’t just stop doing everything you used to do when you were courting and expect your relationship to stay strong and exciting. Your relationship needs constant nourishment emotionally, spiritually and sexually.

For many of us FIFO families, R&R is family time. But as a mum of 3, I would find myself longing for Fly-In Day, as I knew there was some much-needed downtime for me, for us. The heart of a strong family is a strong marriage/relationship where couples prioritise each other. Relationship/couple time is different from family time, so ensure that every R&R has a portion of family time and couple time.

Emotional intimacy and connection grow through regular date nights, it’s the fuel that makes you and your partner feel loved, cherished and desirable, especially while apart. Date night is not optional for FIFO couples who want to stay close and connected.

Date Night is Emotional Foreplay for a FIFO Relationship…

Date night grows the emotional connection between couples, allowing all those days apart to wash away any feeling of disconnect FIFO has created. It is an essential part of emotional foreplay, which many women need to feel close to their partner and stop them from feeling lonely in their FIFO relationship. This emotional closeness makes it easier for her to move from feeling emotionally intimate to wanting to be physically intimate long after the fly-in day has faded.

It is essential not to have “string attached” to your date night as this will lead to disappointment and undo all the wonderful positive feelings your date night has created. Nobody wants to feel as though they are being “wined and dined” because of something that is expected in return. Just enjoy each other and focus on building your connection. And your time together will take care of itself! (wink wink)

Just Enjoy Each Other – Some of my favourite dates were when we would put the kids to bed a little early and snuggle up on the lounge watching a movie, or we sat outside with a few drinking and chatting away as if the distance of FIFO never existed.

Whether your date nights are an evening dinner date, a lunch date during the week, or even just time spent together after the kids are in bed, this time is gold and sacred.

If you are not having at least one date when on R&R, now is the time to start adding a little emotional foreplay to your relationship by booking a date night or two. Whatever you decide to do on your dates, just enjoy each other and reconnect with WHY you dated and fell in love with each other in the first place.

Love is in the Air Free Printable’s

Happy Valentine’s Day, Gorgeous,

Love a Romantic Freebie to keep the love sizzling this month?

Keep Ready, Gorgeous a lovely FREE gift awaits you.

Experienced as I am as a FIFO wife and coach, one thing I noticed is anytime you have a special event; often we have to turn it into a month of celebrating or a fun countdown to the closest R&R. Sadly, one day can create so much press on couples, feeling disappointment because you’re not together, which leads to communication breakdown and arguments. Instead, celebrate your love the whole month – Love from afar (apart) and then together with a Romance R&R.

So with this in mind, I created this free e-book so you, too, can stay connected to your partner during this romantic time. It is filled with fun, inspirational ideas and printable goodies to print off… And Send it Immediately!

I created this free printable book, especially for you. I decided to share some of my printable, fun, inspirational DIY ideas to make your FIFO Lovers Valentines a little extra sweet. I know Valentine’s day is only a few sleeps away, but I say it’s never too late for romance and make it a month of Loving.  Stay connected this month with these quick and easy ideas which will mean so much to your lover.

A FIFO Valentine’s day can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! This e-book provides easy action steps and printables to take the stress away and allow you to stay connected and keep the love alive this February.

This 11-page book is packed with fun ideas which include:

Sweet loving pre-made Love notes or create your own with 17 fun-loving ideas. Use these adorable love coupons to fill your “Open When” love letter for your sweetie.

Playful Word Search… tell your lover how sweet their kisses are in this playful word search and recreate the fun by trying some on your next R&R {wink wink}

Deepen the Love… With 17 conversation starters to deepen your level of intimacy this valentine’s day.

16 romantic text messages – Use them to start a fun Valentine’s countdown and make your lover smile through the hard days or be a little playful and see what cheeky fun could be had this month of Love! {wink wink}

Filled with Be Mine, Cupid’s Wish, Love Bonus, and so much more playful romance…

Grab your FREE 11-page Printable Today

And give your lover a sizzling gift of love from afar to remember! Well, until the next R&R!

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Join our Facebook Group, which is designed to support your FIFO relationship.. like to know more, click below.


A Christmas Romance Free Printable’s

A Christmas Romance Banner

Merry Christmas, Gorgeous,

Happy young woman having Christmas video chat with lover

Being in a FIFO relationship is hard, especially at this time of year. For some of us, we have our partner’s home, and for the rest of us, we have to think outside the box to make Christmas a little extra special for our partner who won’t be home.

If you, like me, are always looking for fun ideas to keep the connection alive while apart but find the internet search overwhelming and don’t know where to start or what to start with! You can stop your search here because I’ve created the perfect FIFO Christmas gift experience for you and your partner.

The Best Part? It’s FREE!!!!

I created this free printable book, especially for you. I decided to share some of my printable fun, inspirational DIY ideas to make your FIFO Lovers Christmas a little extra special.

Stay connected this Christmas with these quick and easy ideas which will mean so much to your lover.

A Fifo Christmas can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! This e-book provides easy action steps and printables to take the stress away and allow you to stay connected and keep the love alive this Christmas.

This 14-page book is packed with fun ideas which include:

Christmas together. Top view of Christmas decorations and photograph in picture frame laying on the rustic wooden grain

Jaw-dropping pre-made Love Coupons or create your own with 20 fun-loving ideas. Use these adorable love coupons to fill your “Open When” love letter for your sweetie.

Playful DIY Stocking Stuffers Ideas… You will love these easy-to-create playful stocking stuffers – and so will your lover. {wink wink}

Cheeky Kiss-mas Ideas for under the mistletoe – ask your lover to pick one to try next R&R and make their eyes light up with excitement!

Being Naughty feels Oh so Nice… It’s time to create your Naughty and Nice Wish List. Describe your cheekiest Christmas fantasies in every naughty or nice detail, so your lover can make your wishes come true next R&R.

 25 fun and cheeky Christmas text messages – Use them to start a fun Christmas countdown and make your lover smile through the hard days or be a little playful and see what cheeky fun could be had this Christmas eve! {wink wink} 

And so much more…

Grab your FREE 14-page Printable Today and give your lover’s a merry gift of love from afar to remember! Well, until the next R&R!

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Join our Facebook group design to support your FIFO relationships.. like to know more, click below.


7 Tips to create a happy healthy fifo relationship

FIFO Lovers

Thank you for checking out my 7 tips to create a happy, healthy FIFO relationship.

I have turned this blog into a FREE downloadable E-book.

This way, you can have access to it whenever you want… No more searching through the blog trying to find it.

To grab your free e-book… Simple click the button below.

You will be taken to another page where you can download your copy immediately.

Remember to save it in a folder to easily access it whenever you wish to review it.

Happy Reading 🙂

Get My Free E-Book Now!

The Day I Stop putting my life on hold…

Stop putting my life on holdI used to put my life on a semi-hold and wait until my husband was home to feel alive… just keeping myself busy with raising our children and working until he was home again. I felt guilty if I was enjoying life without him, as he was working away and giving up time with us for our future.

I would put everything on hold… all my dreams and goals for the future. I was dying inside… I began to lose who I was as a person. I was missing out on life, yet life kept moving forward, and I was standing still. My husband felt like he had lost the woman he had married. Our relationship had become a routine, and if we had kept this up, it would have dyed a slow, painful death.

I came to realise that I needed to feel alive again. I have to love myself and my life and not feel guilty. It is the most important thing I can do for myself and for my family. If I am happy and feeling alive, then my life works! I can handle the crappy stuff life throws at me.

If I love my life, I will bring love and joy to our children’s lives, and they get to learn from me how to love themselves and their life and not feel guilty for it. Most of all, my husband gets to experience me as a fun-loving, strong woman that he first fell in love with but times it by 1000. I get to experience a relationship with my husband that is alive, full of fun, love, support, passion and friendship all the time… not part-time.

My stop-dying journey was not an easy one, you just don’t wake up and make the statement, “I going start living today!” I wish it was this easy… It took small steps every day. There were times when I fell off the horse, but I dusted myself off and got back on… it felt like I was starting again… over, over, over again, but I realised that each time I got back on, it was becoming a little easier… I had to choose it each time. What was my option: feel dead or worst, Divorce!! This was not an option for me!

This had to be my journey, no one could do it for me or give me the right answer to make it go away… All I could do was get an accountability partner or two to support me. The key was to find someone with the right experience and mindset and surround myself with positive support.

I began my journey back in 2010. Looking back, I can see I have learned so much about who I am as a person. How much my life rocks, even tho our lifestyle is still FIFO. My relationship grows more loving every day. Seeing how our children are living a powerful life is exciting.

I continually work on myself every day because I’m worth it… My relationship and family are worth it. Now I have the pleasure of empowering others to embrace their life and live a life they love… I feel very blessed and so grateful for choosing to fight for myself.

How you choose to live your life is a choice… Life will always throw stuff at you. The only thing you can control is how you deal with it… This is where the power is… the power to choose how you feel and deal with your life. You just have to choose YOU, and everything else will fall into place!

Start Living Today… You are worth it!!!!  

If this sounds like you, click here to find out how I can support you or contact me directly for more info.