The Day I Stop putting my life on hold…

Stop putting my life on holdI used to put my life on a semi-hold and wait until my husband was home to feel alive… just keeping myself busy with raising our children and working until he was home again. I felt guilty if I was enjoying life without him, as he was working away and giving up time with us for our future.

I would put everything on hold… all my dreams and goals for the future. I was dying inside… I began to lose who I was as a person. I was missing out on life, yet life kept moving forward, and I was standing still. My husband felt like he had lost the woman he had married. Our relationship had become a routine, and if we had kept this up, it would have dyed a slow, painful death.

I came to realise that I needed to feel alive again. I have to love myself and my life and not feel guilty. It is the most important thing I can do for myself and for my family. If I am happy and feeling alive, then my life works! I can handle the crappy stuff life throws at me.

If I love my life, I will bring love and joy to our children’s lives, and they get to learn from me how to love themselves and their life and not feel guilty for it. Most of all, my husband gets to experience me as a fun-loving, strong woman that he first fell in love with but times it by 1000. I get to experience a relationship with my husband that is alive, full of fun, love, support, passion and friendship all the time… not part-time.

My stop-dying journey was not an easy one, you just don’t wake up and make the statement, “I going start living today!” I wish it was this easy… It took small steps every day. There were times when I fell off the horse, but I dusted myself off and got back on… it felt like I was starting again… over, over, over again, but I realised that each time I got back on, it was becoming a little easier… I had to choose it each time. What was my option: feel dead or worst, Divorce!! This was not an option for me!

This had to be my journey, no one could do it for me or give me the right answer to make it go away… All I could do was get an accountability partner or two to support me. The key was to find someone with the right experience and mindset and surround myself with positive support.

I began my journey back in 2010. Looking back, I can see I have learned so much about who I am as a person. How much my life rocks, even tho our lifestyle is still FIFO. My relationship grows more loving every day. Seeing how our children are living a powerful life is exciting.

I continually work on myself every day because I’m worth it… My relationship and family are worth it. Now I have the pleasure of empowering others to embrace their life and live a life they love… I feel very blessed and so grateful for choosing to fight for myself.

How you choose to live your life is a choice… Life will always throw stuff at you. The only thing you can control is how you deal with it… This is where the power is… the power to choose how you feel and deal with your life. You just have to choose YOU, and everything else will fall into place!

Start Living Today… You are worth it!!!!  

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